In Elmdon Park, Solihull

Sermon Series

Luke: Good News for Everyone

Sundays at 11am
Refreshments from 10.30am

23rd June: A Man With Leprosy & A Paralysed Man – Luke 5.12-26

30th June: A Tax Collector & Sinners – Luke 5.27-39

7th July: A Large Crowd Of His Disciples – Luke 6.17-26

21st July: Enemies & Brothers – Luke 6.27-42

28th July: A Centurion – Luke 7.1-10

4th Aug: A Widow – Luke 7.11-17

18th Aug: A Sinful Woman – Luke 7.36-50

25th Aug: A Demon-Possessed Man – Luke 8.26-39

1st Sept: A Synagogue Leader & A Sick Woman – Luke 8.40-56


Joining In

Sundays at 11am – Refreshments from 10.30am

19th May: Worshipping – Hebrews 10:19-25

26th May: Growing – Ephesians 4:1-16

2nd June: Serving – 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

16th June: Giving – 2 Corinthians 9:6-16


Inside the Christmas Story

A story for everyone
where those on the edges
find themselves at the heart of story

3rd December – Zechariah and Elizabeth: Luke 1:5-25

17th December – Joseph: Matthew 1:18-25

24th December – John the Baptist: Luke 1:57-66

25th December – Jesus: Isaiah 9:2-7 & Luke 2:1-7

31st December – Shepherds: Luke 12:8-20

7th January – Magi: Matthew 2:1-12


Journeying with Jesus

Sundays at 10.30am this summer

23rd July – Invited to a Wedding – John 2:1-11

30th July – Going Fishing – Luke 5:1-11

6th August – Visiting Home – Mark 6:1-6

20th August – The Big Picnic – John 6:1-14

27th August – Breakfast on the Beach – John 21:1-25

3rd September – Sent Out – Matthew 28:16-20
